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ECC Calendar at a Glance 24 ECC Calendar At A GlanceDownload…
23'24 Preschool Supply List Supply ListDownload…
November 23rd&24th ECC and School Age Families! We will be closed on November 23rd & 24th in observance of the Holiday. We look forward to seeing everyone on Monday!…
ECC Inclement Weather Reminder a reminder that information regarding the inclement weather protocol can be located in the ECC Parent Handbook.…
Prairie Hawk Preschool Pre-Registration begins January 8th! Prairie Hawk Preschool pre-registration will open up on January 8th! If your child will be 4 years old on or before 9/15/24 they are eligible for…
REGISTRATIONS ARE OPEN NOW! Hawk Preschool Pre-Application and School Age Summer camp waitlist is now OPEN! Prairie Hawk Preschool Pre-Registration application School Age Summer camp waitlist…
Family Resources Guide Community Schools has developed a new Family Resources Page to assist Prairie students, families and our school community. The purpose of this site is to provide support and opportunities…
ECC IS CLOSED JANUARY 10th, There will be no Preschool Programming. to weather conditions ECC is close tomorrow, January 10th and there will be no Preschool programming.
ECC will open at 9:30 on January 23rd to weather conditions CCSD has issued a 2 hour delay. ECC will open at 9:30, there will be No Preschool. All ECC programming will be in Prairie Hill and…
Last day of Preschool last day of the 23’24 Prairie Hawk Preschool year is June 6th!…